Understanding the artworks

The center of the picture is Jesus (1).
He is the light of life.
This light is guiding our way and the center of our life.
feet are facing upwards because Jesus is leading us to God the Father
and into heaven. Jesus is the way and at the same time, Jesus is the border (2), which we have to cross to enter God´s kingdom. Jesus is the judge.
Nobody comes to the Father except through Jesus. Jesus is the only way and we have to go through this light to enter heaven.
To make this possible Jesus comes to us in the Holy Eucharist (1)
which is the center of our spiritual life. The resurrected Jesus
manifests in Holy Mass through transsubstantiation in the Host. The Host (1) is shown in the chalice (3)
formed by the feet. This is the chalice of the new covenant. In Holy
Mass the Light of Life enters the vine in the chalice and the vine
becomes the real blood of Jesus Christ. And whoever eats and drinks the
flesh and blood of Jesus has eternal life. We enter the full unity with
God. With one foot we enter already Gods Kingdom and become citizen of
the kingdom. While the other foot still stays on the other side of the
border (2). We live in this world but we are not from this world
Through baptism we are Born Again.
The first Baptism with Water is our first step into our new life. One can see the water around the feet (4).
Like the Israelites who walked through the Red Sea into their new life,
we enter our new life and covenant with God too. And we leave the old
life and every bondage behind, like the Read Sea destroyed all enemies
who tried to follow the Israelites,
The second baptism is the Baptism with Fire. You can see the fire around the feet (5).
This two baptisms are part of the one full baptism and who receives this two parts is being fully baptised and Born Again.
reenter life as a new creature. We are part of the Body of Christ now.
The Body of Christ is the catholic church. We go through the light of
life into our new life. With a new view point that we gained, we can see
how the feet are on their way to go through the light in the center. It
is like a birth channel. The church is our mother and the Fire of the
Holy Ghost is not only around us (5) but it is filling us up and we are burning with the fire of the Holy Ghost (6). We are fire people now.
We are reborn and we have a mission now.
mission is to bring the Light of Life into the world and lead others to
follow our footsteps. We are called to lead people to cross the border
(2) and to enter heaven.
You can see how light dots (7) flow from our feet. Its the word of God which we spread like a seed to as many people as possible. That this seed will enter their hearts to grow their love for God.
You can see how the water is flowing from the feet (4).
You can see how the fire is radiating from the feet (5) + (6).
You can see how the feet form the chalice and bring the new covenant through the Holy Communion to mankind.
We bring the 3 great gifts to mankind.
We bring the Water Baptism.
We bring the Fire Baptism.
We bring the Holy Eucharist.
Whoever understands, believes and receives these 3 gifts will be saved, born again and has eternal life.
This is just a brief introduction into the symbolism of this artwork.
There are many more levels of understanding this artwork.
Like the cloud of unknowing and the Tabor light.
The 3 witnesses and the Trinity.
The seeds of love which can enter the flame of love in the hearts.
And so much more....
You can enter much deeper into understanding this artwork with the free book “The Mission”.
There you can learn about the teachings in the bible and the symbolism that is connected with this artwork.
This artwork contains the main elements of Christian Mysticism.
The great mysteries are not only to be understood but to be experienced, spiritually.
There is a long tradition of exploring mystic knowledge through art, combined with prayer and meditation.
the bible verses that contain the truth combined with seeing the
visualization of this truth will manifest this truth inside us through
the experience in meditation. We teach the meditation practices that
already have been used by the apostles, the dessert fathers and many
Saints, which also include breathing practices and movements.
Meditating and praying in the presence of powerful relics and using the miraculous medal will boost your spiritual growth.
can start by praying the Jesus Rosary, while looking at this artwork,
while focusing on the Light of Life, in the center of the picture.
This artwork is an invitation for you to follow this path.
Let the truth in this artwork transform your life and may it become the story of your life.
True Art leads always to God!
Jesus loves you!